Bradley W. Deacon
2 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Yes, you can ditch the notebook, Medium has reinstated draft mode on mobile devices.

Nothing better than capturing your ideas and letting your creativity flow wherever you may be, at any time of day.

Writing your Medium article as soon as an idea comes to mind can be good for your creativity mindset for several reasons:

Captures the Idea: Writing your idea down as soon as it comes to mind helps to capture it before it fades away. This is important because some of our best ideas come to us when we least expect them, and if we don’t capture them quickly, they can be lost forever.

Prevents Distractions: When we have an idea, it can be tempting to move on to the next thing and forget about it. By writing it down immediately, we prevent ourselves from getting distracted and allow ourselves to fully explore the idea.

Provides a Creative Outlet: Writing can be a great creative outlet, and getting your ideas down on paper can help to clarify your thoughts and spark new ideas. By regularly writing about your ideas, you may find that you become more creative overall.

Builds Momentum: When you write about your ideas consistently, you build momentum and create a habit of creativity. This can lead to more consistent and productive creative output in the long…



Bradley W. Deacon

Cyber Crime Analyst Former 🕵️‍♀️ Non-Practising Lawyer Ambassador American Military University Author of Effinmoments in 40,000+ bookstores & online 📸 hack ☮️