Keep It Simple With ChatGPT As Your Intern

Bradley W. Deacon
2 min readMar 22, 2023
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If you have been following my ChatGPT series on Medium, you may already know that I refer to ChatGPT as my intern. Recently, I even asked the platform to suggest a range of names for my new chatbot buddy, and I have decided to call her “Echo.”

ChatGPT is a fantastic tool, and keeping it in mind for any task you undertake is essential. It is a great time saver and can be a fantastic research assistant for many tasks if used appropriately.

Case Study — Tagline

I wanted to design a banner for my social channels with a catchy tagline that reflects what I write about under the Deacon Online banner. ‘Echo’ was true to form; she provided me a list of several to choose from in a matter of seconds once I explained the simple brief to her.

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Empowering you to discover your passion and live your best life — one page at a time!” summing up my publications on Medium and my books available via Amazon.

This once again highlights how ChatGPT and, in particular, my ‘Echo’ intern is a fantastic assistant to enable me to focus on writing and publishing uplifting material.



Bradley W. Deacon

Cyber Crime Analyst Former 🕵️‍♀️ Non-Practising Lawyer Ambassador American Military University Author of Effinmoments in 40,000+ bookstores & online 📸 hack ☮️