How Daily Writing Prompts on My Journaling App Inspire My Articles

Bradley W. Deacon
3 min readAug 9, 2022
Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

Do you love to write and experience writer’s block that leaves nothing but a blank page in front of you?

You are not alone. We all experience writer’s block at times. I know outside of upcoming books that I am writing, I do. My journaling app ‘Day One’ is my go-to app to overcome Medium article writers' block.

Day One has a fantastic feature called ‘Daily Prompt’ where you can set a time and receive a daily prompt each day.

Day One daily prompts

Here are a few samples of my daily prompts from Day One:

  • What balance do you want to achieve?
  • How has your work changed in the past year?
  • Where’s your favourite place to order pizza?
  • If you could be proficient at any instrument, what would it be?
  • What are your two favourite animals?
  • Write about your first computer.
  • Are you an organ donor, why or why not?
  • How would you improve your community?
  • How independent are you?

Engagement strategy

The daily prompts are great for helping with writer’s block, but they are also an excellent engagement…



Bradley W. Deacon

Cyber Crime Analyst Former 🕵️‍♀️ Non-Practising Lawyer Ambassador American Military University Author of Effinmoments in 40,000+ bookstores & online 📸 hack ☮️