Beyond the Screen: How Holograms Are Shaping the Future of Live Events

Bradley W. Deacon
8 min readFeb 18, 2024
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Ah, the allure of beaming guest speakers into a room without the hassle of their physical presence — truly, we’re inching closer to the dreams conjured up by sci-fi aficionados and overworked event organizers alike.

The Hologram and similar technologies promise to sprinkle a bit of that “Beam me up, Scotty” magic into our mundane conference halls and breakout rooms.

Let’s consider the spectacle and utility of using holograms at conferences. Imagine, if you will, a world where speakers no longer have to endure the cramped legroom of economy flights or the dubious pleasures of hotel breakfasts. Instead, they simply pop into existence on stage, as crisp and present as a fresh PowerPoint slide, but far more engaging.

The benefits are as dazzling as the technology itself
Let's start by looking at the benefits of hologram technology at events.

No More Travel Woes

Speakers from around the globe can appear without battling airport security or jet lag. This could significantly broaden the range of speakers and topics a conference can offer.

Engagement Galore

A holographic presentation can captivate audiences with visuals that float and dance among them, making PowerPoint look like a quaint relic of the past.


Imagine breakout rooms that can instantly host experts from any field, at any moment, without the logistical nightmares of coordinating travel schedules.

However, as with all game-changing technologies, there are caveats.

Technical Hitches

The success of such holographic appearances hinges on the reliability of the technology. Nothing kills the vibe like a glitchy hologram that flickers more than it enlightens.

Cost Considerations

Implementing cutting-edge hologram technology could be as gentle on budgets as a bull in a china shop. The ROI must be carefully considered.

The Human Touch

While a hologram can mimic the visual presence of a speaker, it can’t replicate the energy of a live person. The handshake, the off-stage conversations, and the subtle dynamics of human interaction might be sorely missed.

While holograms have the potential to revolutionize the conference experience, making it more immersive and accessible, they also raise questions about cost, technical reliability, and the value of human connection.

The future of conferences may very well be holographic, but whether this technology will be a universal game-changer or a niche spectacle remains to be seen.


Diving into the holographic future of events with all the enthusiasm of a tech enthusiast at a gadget expo, it’s crucial to remember that with great technology comes great responsibility — and, unfortunately, great vulnerability.

Using holograms at events, while spectacular, opens up a Pandora’s box of cyber threats that could turn a high-tech dream into a digital nightmare. Here’s a lighthearted yet cautious look at the potential cyber gremlins lurking in the shadows:

Holographic Hijinks

Imagine, if you will, the CEO of a major corporation is about to deliver a groundbreaking speech via hologram. The audience is captivated, the lights dim, and then… instead of the CEO, a dancing cartoon character appears, delivering a monologue on the virtues of eating spaghetti for breakfast. Hilarious? Perhaps. Embarrassing? Absolutely. This scenario highlights the threat of unauthorized access or hijacking of the holographic feed, showcasing the need for robust encryption and access controls.

The Ghost in the Machine

Holograms, being the sophisticated tech spectacles they are, rely heavily on real-time data transmission. This makes them as appetizing to data interceptors as a buffet to the starved. Without proper encryption, sensitive information could be intercepted, leading to data leaks or eavesdropping. It’s the digital equivalent of having a ghost listening in on your conversations, except this ghost sells your secrets to the highest bidder.

Phantom Phishing

Imagine a scenario where speakers receive an email, ostensibly from the event organizers, asking them to click on a link to confirm their holographic presentation details. The link leads to a phishing site, tricking speakers into divulging their login credentials. This kind of attack could compromise the security of the holographic system, proving that even in the world of advanced tech, the oldest tricks in the book can still be the most effective.

Malware Mirage

Holographic systems, like any other connected technology, are susceptible to malware. A compromised system could spread malware to connected networks, leading to data breaches or ransomware attacks. It’s the digital equivalent of thinking you’re shaking hands with a futurist visionary, only to realize you’ve actually just high-fived a virus.

The Specter of System Disruption

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks could overwhelm the servers that support holographic presentations, leading to disruptions or cancellations. It’s the cyber equivalent of a spectral horde crashing your party, turning your cutting-edge event into a digital ghost town.

Privacy Poltergeists

Holographic technology, with its need for high-definition video and biometric data for realistic renditions, raises significant privacy concerns. Without stringent data protection measures, personal information could become accessible to unintended parties, inviting privacy poltergeists to wreak havoc.

Mitigation: A Ghostbuster’s Toolkit

To combat these spectral cyber threats, event organizers and technology providers must arm themselves with a ghostbuster’s toolkit of cybersecurity measures: robust encryption, multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, phishing awareness training, and a solid incident response plan. Only then can the digital domain of holographic presentations be as secure as it is spectacular.

In the grand scheme of things, the path to embracing holograms at events is lit with the neon glow of potential and the shadowy whispers of caution.

As we march forward, let’s do so with the vigilance of a night watchman at a haunted mansion — ready to enjoy the marvels within while keeping the ghosts at bay.

Implementing hologram technology at your event is akin to stepping into a sci-fi movie — exciting, innovative, and filled with unexpected twists.

To ensure this adventure remains thrilling (and not terrifying), a strategic risk management approach is essential. Think of it as plotting your course through an asteroid field: you need a good map, a skilled pilot, and a keen eye on the radar. Here’s how to navigate the holographic universe safely

Risk Management Approach for Holograms at Events

Identify and Assess Risks

Start by identifying potential risks associated with using holograms, such as technical failures, cyber threats, and content mishaps. Assess each risk based on its likelihood and potential impact. This step is like identifying where the asteroids are and how big they might be.

Develop Mitigation Strategies

For each identified risk, develop strategies to mitigate or minimize its impact. This could involve technical safeguards, contractual protections, or contingency planning. It’s akin to plotting a course that avoids the biggest asteroids or prepares you to blast through the smaller ones.

Implement Security Measures

Focus on cybersecurity measures to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats. This includes encryption, secure data transmission, and regular security audits. Think of it as installing the best shields and anti-malware systems on your spaceship.

Create a Response Plan

Develop a detailed incident response plan for potential issues, from technical glitches to security breaches. This ensures you can act quickly and effectively to minimize damage. It’s like having a well-trained crew ready to repair hull breaches or fend off space pirates.

Regularly Review and Update

The tech landscape evolves rapidly, so regularly review and update your risk management strategies to adapt to new threats and technologies. This ongoing process ensures your defenses evolve as fast as the threats do. Consider it continuous navigation training for your crew.

Questions to Ask Your Hologram Technology Provider

When vetting a provider for your holographic adventure, consider these essential inquiries:

Security Measures

“What cybersecurity measures do you have in place to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches?”

Data Privacy

“How do you ensure the privacy and security of the data transmitted and stored by your technology?”

Reliability and Uptime

“Can you share statistics on the reliability and uptime of your system? What backup solutions are in place in case of failure?”

Technical Support

“What level of technical support do you offer during the event? Is there a rapid response team for immediate issues?”

Compliance and Standards

“Does your technology comply with industry standards and regulations, especially regarding data protection?”

Past Implementations

“Can you provide case studies or examples of past events where your technology was used successfully?”

Customization and Scalability

“How customizable is your technology for different types of events and sizes? Can it scale up to meet our specific needs?”

Contingency Planning

“What contingency plans do you have in place for technical glitches or failures during a live event?”

Cost Structure

“What is the cost structure for your services? Are there any hidden costs or potential overages we should be aware of?”


“How do you stay ahead of technological advancements? What updates or upgrades can we expect in the future?”

Approaching hologram technology with a robust risk management strategy and asking the right questions upfront can ensure your event remains a stellar success, captivating your audience with the magic of holography while keeping the gremlins of risk firmly at bay. Just like navigating through that asteroid field, it’s about being prepared, staying vigilant, and always keeping an eye on the radar.

So, as you ponder the future of your own conferences, remember that while holograms can bring the galaxy’s brightest stars to your stage, sometimes there’s no substitute for the warmth of a shared laugh or the handshake of a new connection. May the future of conferencing be as bright and engaging as a well-delivered holographic keynote!

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About the Author: Bradley W. Deacon

In a world where keyboards are mightier than swords and Wi-Fi signals pierce through secrets, Bradley W. Deacon reigns supreme. A former lawyer and Federal Agent, Bradley swapped his badge and gavel for a more formidable weapon: the pen. Or, more accurately, the clackety-clack of a mechanical keyboard. Now, he doesn’t just navigate the murky waters of cyber realms; he architects them.

Bradley doesn’t just work in cyber; he practically marries it every morning, woos it by day, and beds down with it at night. It’s a love affair more intense than any reality TV show romance, primarily because it involves less crying and more typing. When he’s not decoding the digital DNA of the internet or whispering sweet nothings to firewalls, Bradley is brewing storms in teacups and novels alike.

His latest creation, “Tower 51: The Most Connected Tower in the World — Where there are no secrets,” is not just a book; it’s a prophecy. Set to revolutionize your bookshelves and e-readers in January 2025, this cybercrime fiction novel promises to entangle you in a web of intrigue, where the only thing faster than the internet speed is the plot. Available for pre-order on Amazon, it’s the perfect gift for anyone who loves their suspense served with a side of digital espionage.

In “Tower 51,” Bradley peels back the layers of our digital dependency, exposing the raw circuitry of our lives. He invites you into a world where the most significant threat isn’t the person next to you; it’s the device in your hand. And in this world, Bradley is your guide, part-time philosopher, and full-time narrator of our cyber destinies.

So, if you’ve ever wondered what secrets lurk behind your screen, Bradley W. Deacon is the author to follow. Just remember, in the digital age, Bradley reminds us that the only real secret is believing you still have any.

Pre Order Tower 51 Here



Bradley W. Deacon

Cyber Crime Analyst Former 🕵️‍♀️ Non-Practising Lawyer Ambassador American Military University Author of Effinmoments in 40,000+ bookstores & online 📸 hack ☮️